In New Zealand, job search sites like www.seek.co.nz and www.trademe.co.nz rule the virtual world, but not everyone knows how to make the most of these sites.
Firstly, broaden your search criteria when you are thinking about the title of the job and the category it may be under. Sometimes the job categories are not obvious! For example a role for a financial administrator may be found under ‘finance’, ‘accounting’ or ‘administration’.
Secondly, when you open up the job ad, take note of the job reference number, job title and the contact person. Larger companies and recruitment consultants are often recruiting for multiple roles at one time. When you send in your application, put the reference number in your email subject line and refer to it when you contact the company.
Treat your job search like a project. Use an Excel spreadsheet to record relevant information and the date that you sent in the application. And, follow up with a phone call within five working days to check that your application wasn’t lost in the virtual universe.
Finally, if you choose to upload your resume onto a job search site, remove your personal address and referee contact details. Worst-case scenario, you get stalked in your own home, and your referees are harassed. Let’s face it, most referees think they will get a ‘heads up’ that someone is going to call them.
In short, get on-line and get connecting! Knowing exactly how to find a job using a job search site is essential in today’s competitive employment market, and as always, good luck with your job hunting.