How To Find a Great Internship

Students are on the hunt for the dream internship, although, internships are not just for students and they do not mean ‘working for free’. An effective internship can be your chance to show that you can deliver on project based work. Best case scenario you get a job, worst case scenario you gain a solid reference and build your ‘employability; portfolio. So, how do you get a great internship?

1. Do your Research
I know I say this every time, no matter what role you are going for! Gaining an internship is not just about knowing what you are good at, it’s about knowing why you want the role and the benefits of doing it well. To do this, you need to research the organization, talk to people who already work there and use their products and services. More importantly, you need to find a problem that you can provide a solution to.

2. Network
If you are openly hunting, the key thing is that it may not be your extended family, friends or lecturers that give you an internship; however, they may know someone who can. Leverage your email list and social media profile to say that you are “interested in ‘X’ industry does anyone know someone that I could talk too about what it is like to be an “X”.

Remember that it is all about the art of subtly, people will generally be happy to share “information” which can lead to an internship. Although, they will instinctively cringe and run away from anything that sounds like “I need an internship and I need it now!”

3. Acknowledge the Real World
Just because you are getting straight A’s in your studies, does not mean that you know what happens in the world of the employed. A good dose of humility goes will go a long way. Explaining that you really enjoy studying something, but understand that tertiary education is not the same as the working world will make you seem like a genius.

Just because you turn up as an intern, does not mean that the organisation stops doing its thing, your supervisor will still need to complete all their normal tasks while supervising you. Statements like “I can see that you are busy – What do you need? and “How can I help?” will be very well received.

4. Create your own Internship
Can you build a website or sell something? If you have a skill that meets a market need why not go into business for yourself? I have a good friend who made over $3,000 a week selling ice creams from a 4WD buggy at a beach. He surfed in the morning, sold ice-cream during the day and worked at a restaurant in the evening. He then earned top marks writing up his “ice cream” experience for a marketing paper the next year, and used it as a highlight on his C.V. when he landed his first job after university.

If you have any tips to add on how to get a great internship please send them through to:

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