Employees: Career Flow – Are you in Calm Waters or Raging Rapids?

The idea that your career is like a river is such a simple, yet amazingly complex idea. Ask yourself, do you feel like you are hitting the rapids or flying off a waterfall? For some adrenalin junkies amongst us, this could mean you are in the zone and on a high, while for others, it could mean blind panic and a complete loss of control.

Learning through storytelling is such an insightful way to develop as a person. I’ve always loved language and as my “word smithing” ways developed, presenting ideas through metaphors has become a habit. Of course, when I heard Dr Roberat Neault from Life Strategies speak on “Career Flow” as part of a CDANZ Otago event I was in my happy space.
Dr Neault explained the Hope centred theory of career development which basically encourages us to think of our career as a constant state of transition, ebb and flow through a cycle of five stages:

  1. Self-reflection -What have you done in the past? What worked and what didn’t work
  2. Self-clarity – What motivates you? What do you enjoy doing?
  3. Visioning – What you like to do? What would you like to learn?
  4. Goal setting and planning – Work out the small steps needed to reach your big goal
  5. Implementing and adapting – Keep assessing how you are going, are you still on the right track?


Hope Centred Career Development Model – Amundson, 2013

The beauty of this process is that it is not about using someone else’s language; it’s about creating your own words to describe the situation. It doesn’t matter which stage you are at, you can always keep building on it. Dr Neault also stressed that radical changes are not required. Small steps and realistic goals are just as important as knowing where your next destination is going to be.

The other interesting thing about this methodology is that it acknowledges the effect of your environment and the things that are out of your control. However, by being hope centric and focusing on positive outcomes you can move on no matter what part of the river you are in (stagnant water or otherwise!).

If you are struggling to find work, here is your challenge for this month. See if you can get hold of  Career Flow: A Hope-Centered Approach to Career Development bySpencer G. Niles,Norman E. Amundson, & Dr Roberta Neault. Or at least take a look at the Life Strategies website and have a go at mapping out your career so far and see if you can use the five steps to map the course of your next career move.

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