Hi All,
Here’s something a little different. I’ve been reviewing safety training providers and just checked out Blackwoods safety training courses. I found them competitively priced and well structured. Yes, they meet NZQA standards, AND they are taught to the level that is expected in Australia.
Nice to know that there are a number of solid providers out there, Safety N Action www.safetynaction.co.nz is still a great option and of course, there is always team Site Safe www.sitesafe.org.nz and www.promed.ac.nz.
Please note, I am not affiliated to any of these organisations and you always need to make sure that even if your workers are ‘qualified’ they still understand the specific requirements in your business/ operation.
- Is the trainer a registered NZQA Private Training Enterprise? If no, the training will not be recognised nationwide and NZQA units will not appear on your worker’s record of learning
- Are there any pre-requisites? For example, do you have to do the Hazard ID before you can do Permit to Work
- Important dates: What’s that latest you can enrol? Is there any pre or post work to be completed? NB if there is any On the Job training to be completed this must be scheduled
- Logistics & Equipment: Will the trainee need accommodation or transport? Does the trainee need to take their own equipment i.e. company gas testing equipment for a confined space courses?
- Food Requirements/ Medical Information: Make sure your workers declare their dietary requirements if food is provided (you don’t want your employee to be the one that collapses with a nut allergy) and if they have any medical conditions. For example, severe asthma can be a problem for respirator training and epilepsy is a no go for confined spaces (although, these are silly examples because although you would have found this out when you employed these people???).
- Keep in touch: After each session, call in to see how your workers went and give their trainers feedback.
- Annual Review: Make a point of calling in to ask what is new and see if you can get a discount based on number of people you have sent to safety training.
Have a safe and productive week, and let me know if you have any preferred suppliers that you use.