How to Set Yourself Up for a Great Phone Interview

If you want to set yourself up for a great phone interview firstly make sure your phone is kept fully charged. If you haven’t had notice that the phone interview is going to happen, take control and buy time. If a recruiter called Sarah from Employ Me Now! calls you up and asks to have a ‘quick chat’, say something like:

 ‘Hi Sarah, Can I call you back in five minutes so I can go somewhere where I’ll have no distractions.’

Anyone that’s experienced in recruiting will be fine with this. They will probably be grateful as trying to yell at someone because they are in a busy public area is not ideal.

Where is the best place to do a phone interview?

It’s time to go somewhere quiet and set yourself up to win. If you have nowhere else to go, your car is a good option. Although, a room with a door on it and a large table, where you won’t get disturbed is ideal. Lay all your paper work out, have a copy of the job description, your research notes, a copy of your cover letter and CV ready.

Make sure you also have a pen and paper handy. No one appreciates screechy beeping noises when someone else is trying to make a note on their phone.

Dealing with phone interview nerves

Before you call back, take a deep breath and smile. This sounds ridiculous; however, there are scientific studies that prove that if you had a smile on your face while you’re talking on the phone, somehow this is transmitted to the other person.

A big deep breath is also mission-critical. Breathe in and imagine that oxygen is flying from your toes, all the way to the top of the head. What you’re doing here is telling your lizard brain that you don’t have to kick into fight or flight mode. After all, it’s only a recruiter on the end of the phone, not a sabretooth tiger.

Summary: Set Yourself Up for A Great Phone Interview

If you want to set yourself up for a great phone interview make sure your phone is charged, you have access to somewhere private where you can lay out all your documents and remember to smile and breath.

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