It is not just New Zealand, it’s hard to find a job anywhere in the world right now, which is why job seekers are turning to professional coaches for interview advice. Competition for jobs is intense, and when it comes to employment law organisations cannot risk being unprofessional – hence the battery of psychometric tests and multiple interviews that some applicants have to endure.
Seeking a new job is a marketing exercise and the best candidate for a role does not always get the job. The applicant who can promote their C.V. and provide interview answers that exactly match what an employer needs, gets employed.
If you are searching for a new job, here are three key questions that you need to think about:
1. Have you checked that your C.V. and cover letter are loaded with the key words from the Job Ad and Job Description for each application?
2. Have you researched the organisation so when you are in an interview your answers to questions and the language that you use matches the organisation’s culture and communication style?
3. Beyond regulatory issues – such as do you have a criminal record? – Employers want to know two things: 1) You are easy to train 2) You are easy to manage. Are you projecting this at interview?
This all sounds straightforward enough, but truly understanding what the questions are asking and knowing how to answer them is a skill in itself. So, if you or someone you know is struggling to find a job, contact Sarah Bond at Employ Me Now! for some one-on-one coaching and interview advice.
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