Job Interview Coaching: Salary Negotiation time! How much am I worth?

Salary negotiation is a topic that often comes up during job interview coaching sessions. Here are a few things for you to consider before entering the negotiating phase.

1. What will be my key responsibilities?
2. How many hours a week will I work?
3. What other benefits and perks are on offer?
4. What is the lowest amount you would accept?
5. How much are similar roles being paid?

For recent salary guides look at:
• NZ Salary Guide
• The Great New Zealand Salary Survey
• Trademe Salary Guide
• Robert Half Salary Guides
• Hudson 2012 Salary Employment Insights

In a perfect world, salary negotiation would go something like this… Let your prospective employer start the conversation. Ideally, they will give you a salary range that the role fits into that is comparable to the rest of the market. Let the interviewer know that you are interested in a rewarding career with the company and that you are sure that you can decide on a mutually agreeable compensation package.

If you are currently employed, make it clear that you would like an incentive to move and restate the unique skills and experience that you will bring to the role. State your ideal salary range and get ready to negotiate. Listen to how the offer is presented and ask if there are any other benefits or bonuses included in the package.

When you are ready to accept an offer, find out when your first pay review will be and how you will be measured to ensure you can meet the specified criteria. Sadly, the negotiation phase can be a lot more complicated, if you would like some job interview coaching to sharpen up your negotiation skills contact Sarah at Employ Me Now!

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